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Where are Virtuosica staff members located?

We are international, multicultural, diverse, and proud of it!

Virtuosica, Inc. is a Delaware C corporation, with headquarters in Marina Del Rey, California. 

While we do have a diversity-oriented staffing and general company policy, our significant diversity was more happenstance in looking for the best people for the job and individuals who bring creativity and personality to work with them.

Virtuosica founders, staff, and contractors are located from Los Angeles, California to New Delhi, India and several places in between, including Miami in Florida, Nairobi in Kenya, Belgrade in Serbia, and Lisbon in Portugal. 


70% of Virtuosica contracted staff live in and work from Europe. 

66.66% of Virtuosica founders are women.

33.33% of Virtuosica founders are non-Caucasian. 

100% of our phenomenal development team is based just outside of New Delhi, India. 

50% of Virtuosica contractors and staff are women. (Fair is fair!)

50% of Virtuosica Artist Ambassadors are male. 

25% of Virtuosica Artist Ambassadors are Caucasian. 


With your help, we hope to continue this track record for years and decades to come. 

Not satisfied with the answer? Send us an email to support@virtuosica.com.